'cookieChoices = {};' Nasihat Islami Untuk Kesehatan Jiwa dan Raga.: July 2015

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Take advantage of the month of fasting to increase faith.

Take advantage of the month of fasting to increase faith. In this month many people are trying to improve himself each. The proof, of people who had never or rarely go to mosque to mosque, is now trying to take the time to worship into mosques. As a Muslim should be obliged to fulfill the five pillars of Islam as a religion that believes. In the month of fasting many people run fast, although was never pray. On a normal day many people who do not care about the Koran Alhadist moreover, in this fasting month at least they want to hear. Even many who do not understand what it is what it is alhadist Quran, they many not know if it is a book of guidance as a Muslim, the religion honor the manual in which he believed.
Irony indeed! While we uphold the first principle of Pancasila, belief in one God and reinforced in the 1945 Constitution, but every day the press reported violations of moral, sadistic murder, disease communities everywhere, breaking news corruption among officials. Society on did not get along, parliament did not get along, fellow party did not get along. Whether in the family or also on the stairs at home do not get along? A religious fellow on do not get along, let alone different religions. One ethnicity alone does not get along, let alone different ethnicity. So what do you want, where are you going? Coming out as the nation of Indonesia. Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi rojiun. True the saying goes: Gardens always greener and seductive ".
Take advantage of the month of fasting to increase faith . Faith that we have, although this slightly; this is still his name as a gift of Allah. Let together we are grateful! How can I be grateful? Allah months sow reward doubled, we endeavor to understand the religion that we believe this, perhaps only God hears us, that live in this world and hereafter blessing to our future blessing also.
Why is it so important faith ?. All religious community certainly believe that after undergoing the life of the world , all human beings must be live in the afterlife. Understand that.
All we resume practicing in this world there must have its rewards and punishment in the afterlife. If Heaven reward good deeds, bad deeds if his punishment torments of hell. Strictly speaking good deeds in the world, in the afterlife go to heaven, bad deeds in the world, in the afterlife in hell. No free goods, all imported practice and will be held accountable. Note Luqman's advice to his son.
"O my son, if there is such deeds weighing mustard seeds (you keep) in a rock or in the heavens or on earth, Allah will undoubtedly bring with charitable deeds" (Q 31:16)

Are you sure you definitely have to know, they just do not taufik able guidance.
Through the Qur'an and Alhadist we will come to know that fifty thousand years before the earth and the heavens were created destiny already being written first. God created the pen and command, "Write!". Pena said, "What do I write?", God commands, "write the destiny of all things until the Day of Judgement"
 What is written about the fate of his world affairs and destiny of faith and kafirnya the only person. Right, question your heart.
"No one who knows about his destiny". That is why he must be careful, vigilant, mutawari religious language, because we do not know what our destiny. Are we doomed faith or disbelieve in the end of our life.

Do not let the dazzling success of our world, or blinding our eyes, as if because of the wealth we have, God is pleased with us, when we do good ugly and reckless in worship.
Thanks if you already know with the following hadith.

(hadith Ahmad)
From Abdillah bin Mas'ud he said that Rasul SAW said, Allah divides ahklak you all as God gives sustenance among you all, and in fact God gave the world to loved ones and to those who do not The loved her, and God gave religion only to those who love God alone , then whoever is given faith by God verily God love her. That person must go to heaven her God.
So the problem pleasures of the world treasure, throne, women, God will give it to anyone no matter his faith or no faith. But God will not give religion to people who do not love God. Remember that. Now let us measure ourselves, if we have any symptoms or symptoms of the people of faith not faith? The following verse: 
"Allahu yuridi Faman an yahdiyahu yasyrah shadrahu lil-islaami Waman yurid an yudhillahu yaj'al shadrahu dhayyiqan harajan ka-annamaa yashsha''adu alssamaa FII-i kadzaalika yaj'alu alrrijsa Allahu 'alaa alladziina laa yu / minuuna." (Q 6: 125)So whoever wants God gets His guidance, - So Allah enlarges his chest to Islam; - And whoever Allah wants him to get lost, make God their narrow chest, as if they were ordered to go to heaven: So God made the penalty on those who do not want to faith (Q 6: 125)If we were the happiest people in the world, all the all-sufficiency and all desires can be fulfilled, the facts show that happiness can only be enjoyed only about a hundred years. The property has been left behind wives and children. treasure became seizure were still alive, a very beautiful wife remarried. Though our life time is still struggling to forget God and regulations. Then we will undergo hereafter extremely long journey and hard before receiving a reward acts in the world, whether reward or punishment, whether we put into heaven or tortured in hell. Masha Allah. May God give faith to live in a state of blessing, blessing the world, die incorporated into heaven, ameen!
You would never know the story of Pharaoh, man who never existed a thousand years old. Vast kingdom, palace beautiful, beautiful gorgeous women should not be asked anymore, abundant rich, all his
wishes fulfilled, never ill, in good health, dashing continued throughout his life. But during his life destined those who shirk, and will be the leader unbelievers in the hereafter. During his earthly life is so happy, when in hell asked "Are you happy for your life in the world"? The answer is "no", I was never happy. Thus it happened that the severity of the punishment to fall into the torments of hell. May be a muse for all of us in the blessed month of this Ramadhon.

Strengthen paragraph (Q 6: 125) above, a hadith (ash David) said,"Allah the almighty
Allah Sublime, when creating a slave to (sign) heaven, then God made him practice the deeds of Paradise so that he died remains practice the deeds of Paradise, then God put it into heaven because of the practice. And when creating a slave to (sign) Hell, then God made him practice deeds expert hell so that he died remained in a state of practicing practice expert hell, then God put it into hell because these deeds. "

Belief in God Almighty is there a solution enlightenment?

  As citizens of our nation are grateful to God, that this country has the philosophy of Pancasila by placing first principle , believe in the one  "Almighty God", was seated in the first place. That means what, our impression sages of this land ever really understand and formulate with deep sincerity that when a nation of citizens will be safe, affluent, prosperous nation if the citizens have confidence God Almighty. If the first precept is abandoned , or used as a "decoration" mouth alone, however rich its festival of the country, would have tangled. There will be no peace of life. The stronger he wins, hidden jungle law in modern life. the law will be used as toys, consumer business for those who have and feel strong. Yet God never sleeps.
 Residents will be suppressed in the maelstrom treasures of the world, forgetting the infinite divine Rabbi "Love", until punishment to them, with no solution leaders of this country. It seems a solution that needs to be looked at again. Agree! State provides for freedom of religion in accordance confidence citizens of the nation. But if obedience beragamanya allowed to exempt in accordance wants, no responsibility and no one is responsible, without any clear instructions, how the citizens of this nation so that they actually adhere to the religion he follows , yes like the fact that now. He said religion, but never pray, do not fasting, drinking beverages that are prohibited, even do worse than that. Some of worship, but breaking the path continues. Who's responsibility, the residents of this kind. There must be thinking to make a solution. How to keep toat citizens to worship according conviction. Suppose of the household, should be how and so on. Do not let that already serve better, anyway harassed, vilified for political and other reasons,
 must be of procedures, there must be responsible. If religion is only left in the ID card, our country is never safe, there will be no cheerful in our children down. That there is only fear without certainty a way out.
 In the month of fasting which is full of rewards merit, good time for us to reflect on life's good that only briefly. All our deeds, good words, deeds, our attitude will be brought in and be in the reckoning.
 The world we live this moment (at most 100 years), is just a "bridge", just a "nandur (Javanese)" farming then in the next harvest, after which there will be a very tough journey in the hereafter before the verdict to heaven or to hell. Without the religious people have confidence like this, without the citizens of the nation does not have a strong of understanding on religion, our country will continue to experience turmoil, such as the facts above. Hopefully, all of this could be good for all of us, the advantage of the month of fasting to increase our faith, respectively. May Allah Paring (Java) gives blessing for us all, ameen !.

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